Your reliable business partner
Sansree Automations
We will not become leaders by cutting corners or making compromises. Whatever we do, we will strive to be the best in class. And if we are the best, then our customer will have no reason to go elsewhere therefore our leadership is assured, on pure merit.
Our ability to offer complete end-to-end, automation solutions has helped us gain a broader visibility in the outside world. The company is now a multidimensional, strong unit with over 200 employees, 3 manufacturing facilities, 100 plus Dedicated Sales & support engineers.
Why choose Sansree Automations
Powering purpose
Meet our specialists
Diana Bright
International banking expert
Alexander Swift
Fonder, economist, crypto currency expert
Anna Redwood
Banking expert
Tiffany Brown
Accounting expert
Richard Green
Finance expert, marketing director
Message from Director's Desk
Quisque nec quam convallis, scelerisque risus in, viverra ipsum. Mauris sed molestie magna. Nunc auctor aliquet tortor in venenatis. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam quis suscipit nulla. Cras at facilisis risus, nec accumsan urna. Praesent congue aliquet nisi, eu hendrerit sem.
Alexander Swift
Economist / Entrepreneur / Seven Corporate founder